The American Legion is dedicated to our citizens of tomorrow and remains committed to ensuring that every child has a safe home, a quality environment and the opportunity to make their dreams come true.
Among The American Legion Children & Youth programs are:
Temporary Financial Assistance
Since this program began in 1925, it has provided cash assistance for needy children of eligible veterans. These grants afford family’s food, clothing, and shelter, to help preserve the integrity of the family home. Eligible veterans and their families can apply through a local American Legion post or state headquarters.
Children’s Miracle Network
The American Legion alliance with the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals underscores The American Legion’s mission and reputation as a caretaker of America’s future – its children. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising funds and awareness for 170 affiliated children’s hospitals. Annually, these hospitals benefit 17 million children nationwide, treating the whole child and rendering care regardless of the family’s ability to pay. The American Legion’s 55 departments and 14,000 local posts are encouraged to work with and support their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals to benefit the health and well-being of our nation’s children.
Family Emphasis
The family is the cornerstone of our American heritage. One of the guiding principles in The American Legion’s Children & Youth program is to maintain the integrity of the family home. We advocate the passage of federal legislation designating the week of Thanksgiving as National Family Week.
Teenage Suicide Prevention
Teen suicides continue to shock communities throughout this country. The American Legion actively supports programs of prevention and awareness and publishes the brochure “Warning Signs: Teenage Suicide Prevention.”
Drug Abuse Prevention
The American Legion has been involved in the war on drugs since 1950, believing that cooperative volunteer efforts at the community level have a greater chance of effectiveness and survival. Drug prevention literature is distributed through our posts to schools and other community-based organizations.
Halloween Safety
Our Halloween Safety Program is in its third decade. Throughout our nation Posts of The American Legion conduct activities at the community level to reduce the risk of children being harmed by providing a safe and fun-filled party experience.